Cancer A to Z

Muscle cancer - (soft tissue sarcomas) is an extremely rare cancer that occurs in connective tissues in the body. This type of cancer is more common in children is one of the top five most common cancers diagnosed among children.

Muscle cancer - Signs, symptoms and causes

- In the early stages, soft tissue sarcomas usually do not cause symptoms. Because soft tissue is relatively elastic, tumors can grow rather large, pushing aside normal tissue, before they felt the cause or any medical problem. The first visible symptom is usually a painless lump or swelling more. After the tumor grows, it may cause other symptoms such as pain, as it can press against nerves. If that was located in the abdomen it can cause abdominal pains commonly mistaken for menstrual cramps, indigestion, constipation or other causes.

Muscle cancer - Treatment

In general, treatment for soft tissue sarcomas depends on the stage of cancer. Round sarcoma is based on the size and grade of the tumor and whether the cancer has spread to lymph nodes or other parts of the body (metastasize). Treatment options for soft tissue sarcomas include surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

Surgery is the most common treatment for soft tissue sarcomas. If possible, the doctor will remove the cancer and a safe margin of healthy tissue around it.

Radiation may be used before surgery to shrink tumors or after surgery to destroy any cancer cells that might remain.

Chemotherapy may be used with radiation therapy either before or after surgery to try to shrink the tumor or kill any remaining cancer cells.