Skin diseases A to Z

Porokeratoza - Round is a skin lesion surrounded by an annular blade called horny distinctive histologic hyperkeratosis.

Porokeratoza - Signs, symptoms and causes

- There are few risk factors for the development porokeratozei: genetics, ultraviolet radiation and immunosuppression. Porokeratoza immunosuppression may be associated with secondary to pathologic process such as HIV infection or iatrogenic immunosuppression due to lymphoma or immunomodulatory drugs used to prevent transplant rejection or to treat an autoimmune disease. It established a form of autosomal dominant inheritance for all forms of porokeratoza. It is believed that UV exposure triggers the disease.

Porokeratoza - Treatment

There is no known cure. However, the condition can be improved by the following measures:
5-fluorouracil cream
acitretin or isotretinoin oral
carbon dioxide laser ablation
Sun protection - is very important to bear in mind that exposure to UV radiation can lead to development of skin cancer lesions in porokeratoza.